Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a common technology across society used in a variety of ways. Virtual reality utilizes wearable hardware that fully immerses a user within a simulated reality. Bio-neural interfaces can be used to simulate senses like touch as well as give the user normal control of their virtual body, though their real body must be either restrained or suppressed in some way to allow full virtual mobility with this method.

VR is used in all aspects of life including entertainment, education, and training. Simulated intelligences play significant roles in such experiences as they can closely simulate other people for whatever purpose may be necessary. VR is also used for remote control of robotic vehicles operating in hostile environments like space or harsh planetary atmospheres, with the operator remaining at a safe location

Virtual reality is known to play a significant role in humanity’s colonization of real space; the tight enclosed areas of ships and stations, and the associated isolation, have proven to impart negative mental health effects on individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Virtual reality is able to provide an escape for these people and allows more freedom to remain connected with far-away cultures.