Military Technology

Kinetic Weapons

Kinetic weapons are those which utilize the impact of solid material for their destruction. They include anything from bullet-based firearms to relativistic railguns to spaceborne debris, and derive their destructive power from impact energy.

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Weaponized lasers are used in all forms of combat as relatively cheap and powerful weapons. Innumerable variants exist. Lasers are most commonly used to target sensitive equipment at longer range, and are the only weapon that fires at the speed of light. They’re also used defensively against missiles and debris, both active and passive.

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Missiles are powered projectiles, typically consisting of an explosive warhead and a reaction-control system. Effectively miniature spacecraft on their own, missiles can evasively maneuver towards a target, remain dormant in space, and cross interplanetary distances.

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Energy weapons are a unique class of military technology that utilizes energized matter, an exotic and volatile form of matter that reacts violently with normal matter. Energy weapons can be defended against by electronification of the hull, a form of shielding that dissipates the destructive effects of energy weapons on contact.

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Space is full of hazards, both targeted and natural. Defensive technology, both active and passive, are required of any civilization to ensure their safety from threats natural and artificial alike.

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